Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Are you there God, Its Me Margaret

No Margaret is not my name and no I never read the book. I know that I had to in 5th grade and somehow I read the first chapter, the last chapter, the back cover and got away with it.

So I'm not 'breaking down' today. I'm afraid after I cursed my lady parts yesterday AF is playing what she thinks is a funny little trick on me. You guessed it spotting stopped yesterday- midday- and there has been nothing since. I am terrified. I don't want to get by hopes up because I don't think you want me to drum up another Mariah song for you viewing and listening pleasure. She is due today. Today is day 27, where is she???!!! Don't get me wrong, I don't want her to come, I just wished I would have waiting to have my breakdown until later this week, that's all. If I don't wake up with it tomorrow or maybe Thursday I'm thinking of testing. When I was PG in the summer I tested 3 days after AF was due thinking that the plane and trip messed my cycle up.

No symptoms (SXs), except for the same sore (.) and this morning and had a bad cramp for about 5 minutes where I was sure she came but there was nothing there. Hmm..interesting. Maybe I'll test tonight if I could muster up enough pee. You see, I've been drinking tons which is making me pee tons all while conveniently checking my undies every few hours. If I am PG, this time around there will be no undie checking obsessions- I promise!