Tuesday, January 20, 2009

7 Days & Counting

So as the title of this post suggests, AF is due in 7 days. Ugh, the torture of waiting! Can't they invent some type of gadget that lets you know immediately? This is usually the phantom sign, I'm definitely pregnant week. Had I been right all these times I'd probably have about 12 kids by now. So besides my sore (.)(.) nothing much else to report. I took group power tonight (1 hour weight lifting cardio class) so I could attribute some of the soreness to the weights. I keep asking DH what he thinks and he thinks this is our month, so fingers crossed I'm praying.

Gosh, how could I forget, I had a thyroid appointment this morning, my levels are good. The dr is keeping me on the same dose for the next two months unless I get PG before, then he is bumping me up immediately. He told me to call him as soon as I find out. I asked if my levels were at a place where it would make it difficult to conceive and he said no, my levels are just fine so yay!! I also asked if my M/C could have been because my levels were off and I wasn't on top of my blood tests and medication and he said its hard to say since they didn't test any of the tissue and he also said not to look to deeply into it. Anyway, the blood work he was going off of was taken 3 weeks ago which is a week before O time which means that we have a solid chance this month because my levels are good.

How can I occupy myself for the next 7 days so I don't think about my phantom symptoms? Online shopping, eh, redecorating the house, maybe, cleaning, no way! I think I may volunteer at an animal shelter, I haven't mentioned I'm obsessed with my dog and I would love to help and give love to other animals. And don't think I want to volunteer just to occupy myself this week, its on my list of things to do in life- theres only like 3 things on there for now. My sister has about 50, she was the one who challenged me to make one in the first place. Mine are coach a high school sport- maybe soccer, volunteer at an animal shelter and, uh, I guess that's it. Maybe I'll keep myself busy with coming up with 50 things to do in life- I think that will definitely keep me busy and you entertained lol. Stay tuned, this should be interesting! You know according to one of my OCs, they say that a BFP could show as early as the end of this week. I won't test I promise...