Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Sorry I Suck

I've been out of touch for no reason other than laziness. Today is 5 weeks 1 day. No 'real' symptoms as of yet. Thank God (while knocking on wood) the spotting/tinted DC has subsided. I woke up today with what feels like I got punched in my ribs. I did 'shovel' snow yesterday, actually I wasn't shoveling I just push the snow off the deck with a shovel so that my little man and go out and perhaps that is what did it. I googled rib pain and pregnancy and basically unless you are at the 7 month mark, there is no excuse. Other than that, I've been reading and hearing that the symptoms start to kick in next week so hopefully we will see what happens. I'm scheduled to see the gyno next Wednesday, 6 weeks 1 day, a week and a half earlier than the first go-round. I guess they want me to come in earlier to make sure everything is ok. Not sure if they'll be able to do an u/s, will they be able to see or even hear anything? The books all say not to expect to hear a heart beat until 9 or 10 weeks but I heard it first go around at 7 and 8 weeks. So I'm not sure what to expect, I'm so nervous!! It still hasn't hit me that I'm PG. I mean really, especially symptom-less it's just so surreal. Anyway not much else, sorry I'm boring, guess its better than stressing out like a crazy lady which is what I usually do but I'm taking a break from that today. xo